Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pearl Thong Does Work

screens for your games on Linux: Part

mainly seen people first problem is to migrate to Linux is the subject of games, we leave a detailed list of games that we emphasize to demonstrate that Linux can also play and well.

games we suggest are most native Linux 3D without need to run Wine or similar. They are quality games and most have won a prize in and out in a magazine.

Today I propose to screen for the following games:
  • "DooM 2 Reloaded"
  • "Stomping Grounds"
  • "Claws of the Enraged Beast"
  • "Heartless"
  • "Marine's Last Stand"
  • "Freame 2"
  • "Hellcore 2"
  • "Titan 2"
  • "Plutonia 2"

"DooM 2 Reloaded

"Stomping Grounds"

"Claws of the Enraged Beast"

"Heartless "

"Marine's Last Stand"

"Freame 2"

"Hellcore 2"

"Titan 2"

"Plutonia 2"

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