Monday, May 24, 2010

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RealTimeBattle a very interesting game inspired RobotBattle is available only in Unix.

RealTimeBattle is a very interesting game RobotBattle inspired by one of the oldest games of this tipopara Linux and is available only in Unix.

The project began in August 1998. RobotBattle The inspiration came from a very interesting game that we used to enjoy a few years earlier.

RobotBattle That version, however, had some drawbacks: it was only available for Windows and the robots were written in a proprietary language, which restricted the possibilities of writing intelligent robots. RobotBattle has been under development since then, but still lacks Support for other operating systems.

Features include: * Progress

game in real time, with the robots running as child processes of RealTimeBattle.
* The robots communicate with the main program using the standard input and output.
* The robots can be built in almost any programming language.
* Up to 120 robots can compete simultaneously.
* Use simple language for the exchange of messages, which makes it easy to start building robots.
* Robots behave like real objects.
* You can create your own sand.
* Highly configurable.
* Possibility connecting external customers.
* Basic support for equipment directly integrated into the game, with a sophisticated game mode available by the infrastructure equipment.


hardware requirements depend largely on what you're going to do. Playing with a few robots should be possible on any computer where you can run GNU / Linux or other Unix. However, hardware requirements increase with the number of bots you want to have simultaneously on the battlefield, execute advanced robots 120 is certainly challenging for any PC.

RealTimeBattle is only available in Unix. It was developed on a Linux machine, but can also be compiled on other Unix. The execution mode of competition is possible only on Linux at the moment, with the / proc enabled, due to the need for statistics on CPU usage of all children.

software The only requirement is gtk +, which is used for graphical user interface.

Some elements of the official guide:

A complete tutorial for downloading instructions you find on this page .





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