Monday, August 2, 2010

Life Health And Variable Annuity License

shooting game PC first-person.

Postal 2 is a video game first person shooter PC Running with Scissors, Inc.. It is the sequel to the 1997 video game, Postal.

Both are intentionally highly controversial due to high levels of violence and stereotyping. Unlike its predecessor, Postal 2 is played entirely in first person and is based on the Unreal Engine 2.

The player takes the role of The Postal Dude (all tests in the game indicate that the character's full legal name is actually "The Postal Dude, Jr.": his father's tombstone reads "T Dude Sr.": characters constantly call him "Mr. The Dude" and a package for him is assigned to "P. Dude"), a tall, thin man with a goatee, sunglasses, a blue shirt of an alien, and a long coat black leather.

The Postal Dude also has a smiley face sheet (Smiley) on your right lapel. The Postal Dude lives in a caravan with his nagging wife (only identified in the credits as 'Postal Dude's Bitch' (The Postal Dude's dog) in the mining town of Paradise, Arizona.

levels of the game are divided into days of the week that begins Monday and ends Friday. At the beginning of each day, Dude is given several tasks to perform, such as 'Get milk', 'Confess sins', and other seemingly mundane tasks. The objective is to complete all tasks throughout the week, although the game encourages the player to play in any way he wants, either politely or chaotically as possible. There are unique consequences in any way if you choose.

One of the main concepts of Postal 2 is that it recreates a "living world", a simulation and full of black humor irony of a city in pretty bad shape. Game characters live their lives completely independent of the actions of Dude, they walk around town, buy and sell goods, and even participate in random shooting each other and with police.


sources: Postal2 & Wikipedia

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